Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Long Overdue

Since about November of last year, I have took some time off, thus...why there has been no blogging. Going to recap and catch all of you up real quick :) Last October, my husband and I found out that we were going to be first time parents this June, news we could not be happier with! My first trimester really got me down with all of the morning sickness {um all the time sickness!} and just feeling crappy all the time. However, my second trimester has turned out to be just great! {Crossing my fingers for the final trimester!} Can't even tell I'm pregnant...yanno, except for my growing baby bump and my little guy using me as a punching bag :) But I feel great!

I also announced at the end of last year that I would no longer be doing family sessions. I found that after I got pregnant, it was just too much for me to keep up with on top of the 2 jobs I have outside of photography. I will be doing some here and there and maybe around Julyish doing some mini sessions, but for the most part I will be sticking with wedding photography. And speaking of, starting in about 3 weeks is the start of a busy wedding season for me! After baby Stults comes in June, I will be taking a short break until after the Fourth of July holiday. No sessions/weddings will be scheduled in that time frame. However, if during that time you would like to book something for a date after that, I will still be scheduling for afterwards.

I would also like to add a message to all my brides this wedding season: You of course get your disc with all of your pictures, but for any bride that would like to make a print order with me, I offer 10% off the entire order...a little somethin' somethin' from me to you for choosing me as your wedding photographer ;) I am so looking forward to this wedding season and I want to wish all of my soon to be wed couples a big congrats and good luck on your wedding day! :)


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