Sunday, August 22, 2010

{The Mrs. to Mr. Wesley Mercer}

Today was such a fun day for me! Miss Brandi is a very special person to me. I first met her working at the job I had in high school, KFC, in Livingston. Then years down the road, she started dating a close family friend of mine that I grew up with. They got married Labor Day weekend of last year, but everything went so quickly for her that she didn't have time for any bridal pictures. When our families were camping together a couple of months ago, I mentioned to her that I was looking for models with a dress for some bridal portraits and she let me know that she was interested! Duh, why didn't I think of this before?! Needless to say, she was a perfect "bride", she is so beautiful and I'm elated that I had the opportunity to do her pictures :)

Wes {"West", as I like to call him} and Brandi Mercer will be celebrating their very first wedding anniversary at the end of September and I couldn't be happier for them. I love you guys and wish you all the best!

I would like to give a special thanks to Miss Tiffany Livingston for going along with us today and helping out so much! Oh, and I can't forget about Lisa {love you, Wisa Merwcer}!!



  1. I am leaving my Delvon some loves, you going to make it kid, you have a natural talent and that doesnt come along much..It was a joy to watch you at work and makes me proud of you. You really enjoy and thats what makes a good photographer. Thanks for doing was fun for me to see you guys all grown Love ya lots DEVON lol

  2. devlon thank you so much and we love you too. that is a very sweet message i about cried... and i can't even begin to let you know how much i love the pictures and loved spending the time with you to take them .. i can't wait to see more of your work with other brides. you have such a wonderful personality and can make anyone smile you and tiffany made me smile and laugh all day that day so the smile in all those photos were real. love you and so blessed that you are my friend west says so too :)


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